Your monthly membership includes:
- Monthly mentoring webinars with Michael
- Monthly business building webinars with Michael
- Monthly supervision sessions with Fiona Jacob where you’ll get the chance to review an actual client session and then sit in as both coach and mentor explore how to expand both their own and their client’s possibilities
Monthly practicum sessions where we will guide you through some of the key exercises from our coach training programs in real-time alongside your fellow coaches
- Over 140 hours worth of mini-courses on topics ranging from connection to listening and from practice-building to invisible impact
- Coaching From The Inside Out Self Study Program (previously sold at $495): over 80 streaming video and audio sessions, you will learn the core principles behind transformative coaching, and explore and deepen your personal grounding as a coach and as a human being.
- The chance to be part of a community of like-minded coaches, explorers, and practitioners