
Welcome to the Supercoach Cafe!

Have you found yourself drawn to the coaching profession but put off by the constant hype, marketing, and forced positivity?

Do you prefer real-time laughter, challenge, and loving disruption to having to “believe in yourself” and learn an endless stream of strategies, steps, and systems?

Are you more interested in mastery than “faking it ’til you make it”?

The Supercoach Cafe was created with you in mind – a place where you can get ongoing support, training, and supervision in the art and science of transformative coaching.

Whether you’re a new, transitioning, or experienced coach, you’ll find a vast array of short-form lectures, mini-courses, and live interactive webinars to help you deepen your grounding, increase your impact, and fall in love (or back in love) with your business.

Next live webinar


“Michael Neill is coach’s coach in the most positive sense of that phrase…he not only knows what it takes to succeed in coaching, he knows how to teach it to others.”

Steve Chandler
Bestselling author, speaker and coach

Four live and interactive webinars a month

Since 2010, Michael has trained thousands (and certified hundreds) of people in the art and science of Transformative Coaching and transformative conversations. While multiple modalities of change work could be called “transformational”, we use the word “transformative” to distinguish a kind of conversation that comes from a principles-based understanding of how well human beings are made. As we get more familiar with “the equipment” we’re born with, we’re able to become exponentially more productive and impactful with less stress, pressure, overwhelm, and burnout than ever before.  

Each month you’ll get live interactive mentoring and business catalyst sessions with Michael Neill, as well as supervision sessions with one of the very first Certified Master Transformative Coaches in the world, the wonderful Fiona Jacob and monthly practicum sessions led by Rob Cook.

Mentoring with Michael

If you’ve ever wanted to be mentored by the original “supercoach”, this is your chance!  Bring your stickiest challenges, hardest questions, and anything you’d like to explore more deeply and see more simply about the inside-out understanding, personal transformation, and client impact.

Business Catalyst Sessions with Michael

What stops you from thriving in your practice? What holds your clients back from thriving in their businesses? These sessions have one purpose – to unleash your common sense and spark your wisdom in what for many coaches is their one true achilles heel – falling in love with growing a practice that makes them go “wow!”

Supervision Sessions

Getting supervision is like shining a spotlight on and bringing a mirror to your coaching. Each month, you’ll have the chance to listen in on (or offer up) an actual transformative coaching session and then watch live as the coach gets direct feedback from Fiona Jacob, one of Michael’s top mentor coaches. 

Practicum Sessions

Rob Cook (who you may recognize from the Coaching Intensive) will take you through the Coaching from the Inside-Out self study training program with monthly practicum sessions, where he will guide you through some of the key exercises from the program in real-time alongside your fellow coaches. Then each quarter, we’ll release excerpts from past Supercoach Academy trainings as the basis for the next few months of practicum.
As a professional coach, I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on courses, seminars, retreats, trainings, and coaches. And my favorite investment to date has been Supercoach Cafe. It's the investment that just keeps on giving and giving and giving. Supercoach Cafe has given me community, it has given me access to my favourite teachers (and mentors) in the 3P community, and it has significantly improved my coaching ability (pointing, noticing and grounding), which has been fantastic for growing my coaching practice.

In reflection, I also see the profound impact that Supercoach Cafe has had on my own grounding. I find myself quieter and more at peace most of the time. I can't tell you how helpful this has been in navigating the peaks and valleys of relationships, business and life.

Lastly, if I were to start my coaching education all over again, I would start with Supercoach Cafe. It's the best place to be for a coach who is looking to get more out of themselves and their work.
Nikon J. Gormley
Founder, CEO of Inner Spark Group

Want to see transformation happen in real time?

This 2 1/2 day coaching intensive was originally done as part of a Supercoach Academy six month training. Michael works with a 21 year veteran of the US military named Rob, introducing him to the inside-out understanding and pointing him towards the awesome clarity, power, and possibility inside him.
As well as the five coaching sessions,  each one building on the one before, you’ll also get the chance to watch the extraordinary Q&A that Rob and Michael did with the audience at the end of their time together.

Join a live coaching intensive in November

From the 8th – 10th of November (and once each year going forward), your annual membership will also serve as a free pass to join Michael online for a new coaching intensive, where he’ll work with a brand new client for 2 1/2 days. You’ll not only be able to watch the sessions live, you’ll also be able to ask Michael questions about what’s going on and see more about how the transformative conversation unfolds in real time.  (The only other time we made this offering available outside of our certification programs, people paid as much as $995 to join in – that’s twice the cost of a one-year membership of the cafe.)

About Michael Neill

Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative coach and the best-selling author of six books including SupercoachCreating the ImpossibleThe Inside-Out Revolution and The Space Within. Michael is often described as the ‘coach’s coach’, and commands extraordinary respect within his field for unleashing human potential with intelligence, humor, and heart.

He has spent over 30 years as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor, and creative spark plug to celebrities, CEOs, royalty, and people who want to get more out of themselves and their lives. His books have been translated into 24 languages, and his public talks, retreats, seminars, and online programs have touched and transformed lives at the United Nations and in over 60 countries and on six continents around the world. He has been consistently ranked by the international research agency as one of the top 30 coaching thought leaders in the world

After being at the forefront of the coaching profession for two decades, Michael became passionate about the development and training of the next generation of coaches.  In 2010, he founded Supercoach Academy, an international school which has certified hundreds of coaches from over 40 countries in the art and science of transformative coaching.

His TEDx talks, ‘Why Aren’t We Awesomer?’and ‘Can a TEDx Talk Really Change the World?’ have been viewed by nearly two million people and his Caffeine for the Soul blogs, podcasts, and rambles are now in their 20th year and going strong.

"I've been thoroughly enjoying every single recording in the Supercoach Cafe over the past 6 years of membership. I'm religiously committed to using the monthly webinars as my regular "thinking space" to get new insights into my coaching practice. As always, a big THANK YOU for keeping the fresh inspiration coming - it's been tremendously helpful to me (and to my clients), as I'm sure it will be for numerous coaches around the world."
Gonçalo Gil Mata
CEO MIND4TIME•Human Capital Strategist • Speaker • Executive Coach

The Core Curriculum

After over thirty years working as a professional coach and more than a decade of training and certifying transformative coaches who work in a wide variety of fields, Michael has distilled down the difference that makes the difference between having a low stress/high impact coaching practice and the kind of constant striving that so many coaches experience as they work to start, grow, and thrive their business. These differences can be usefully divided into three categories which  make up what we call “the core curriculum” for transformative coaching – coaching, grounding, and practice building:


In this section, you’ll be exploring the art and science of transformative coaching through a combination of short-form lectures, mini-courses, live webinars, and watching actual transformative coaching sessions filmed in real-time and shared with the client’s permission.

32 lessons | 18 hours of content


At the heart of transformative coaching are the principles behind what we call the inside-out understanding. The more you “get” these principles the way you get a joke (i.e. you may or may not be able to explain it but it makes you laugh out loud), the more naturally they will begin to show up in how you coach and impact your clients without you ever having to try to apply them. This is what sets apart the “Supercoach Approach” from pretty much everything else that’s out there. 

23 lessons | 6 hours of content

Practice Building

We get it. You love what you do AND you want to make a good living doing it. Each of the short-form lectures, mini-courses, and monthly business catalyst webinars in this section is designed to spark insights into a simpler and more effortless approach to growing your income than is traditionally taught in the omnipresent world of internet marketing.
26 lessons | 16 hours of content
I joined the Supercoach Café shortly after completing one of Michael's live programs in 2019. I knew I wanted to hang out with like-minded coaches from all over the world and "stay in the conversation" with Michael. What I got was so much more.

Not only has this been a safe and supportive community for inspiration, supervision, and ongoing reflection, I also find the business catalyst and practice building sessions to be consistently invaluable, fresh and new. Joining the Café really has been the gift that keeps on giving!
Eibhlin Johnston
Managing Director, The Resiliency Hub | Consultant | Speaker | Executive Coach

Ready to get started? Enroll today!

Annual Membership

Exclusive access to live online coaching intensive each year worth $995!
$ 495 Yearly
  • Monthly mentoring webinars with Michael (and entire call archive)
  • Monthly business catalyst webinars with Michael (and entire call archive)
  • Monthly supervision sessions where you’ll get the chance to review an actual client session and then sit in as both coach and mentor explore how to bring more freedom and possibility to both their own and their client’s world (and entire call archive)
  • Monthly practicum sessions where we will guide you through some of the key exercises from our coach training programs in real-time alongside your fellow coaches
  • Exclusive to annual membership: 8th - 10th of November (and once each year going forward), your membership will also serve as a free pass to join Michael online for a new coaching intensive, where he'll work with a brand new client for 2 1/2 days. You'll not only be able to watch us live, you'll also be able to ask him questions about what's going on and see more about how the transformative conversation unfolds in real time.
  • Over 140 hours worth of mini-courses on topics ranging from connection to listening and from practice-building to invisible impact
  • The chance to be part of a community of like-minded coaches, explorers, and practitioners
  • Instant access to the Coaching From The Inside Out Self Study Program (originally sold at $495): over 80 streaming video and audio sessions teaching the core principles behind transformative coaching, all designed to help explore and deepen your personal grounding as both a coach and a human being.
best value

Monthly Membership

Cancel Anytime
$ 49 Monthly
  • Monthly mentoring webinars with Michael (and entire call archive)
  • Monthly business catalyst webinars with Michael (and entire call archive)
  • Monthly supervision sessions where you’ll get the chance to review an actual client session and then sit in as both coach and mentor explore how to bring more freedom and possibility to both their own and their client’s world (and entire call archive)
  • Monthly practicum sessions where we will guide you through some of the key exercises from our coach training programs in real-time alongside your fellow coaches
  • Over 140 hours worth of mini-courses on topics ranging from connection to listening and from practice-building to invisible impact
  • The chance to be part of a community of like-minded coaches, explorers, and practitioners
  • Instant access to the Coaching From The Inside Out Self Study Program (originally sold at $495): over 80 streaming video and audio sessions teaching the core principles behind transformative coaching, all designed to help explore and deepen your personal grounding as both a coach and a human being.
Michael provides an enormous spread in his café for us to tuck into, covering every angle of what it is to be a professional coach with even more care, humor, depth, and inspiration then I expected.

You don't only get training on listening, grounding, permission, contracting, etc, but also inspiration and support in finding clients and growing your business. Because you can fit the cafe sessions in and around your other coaching and training commitments, I've been able to learn in my own time and at a rate and speed that work perfectly for me. The ability to learn and review "the basics" through the self-paced programs inside the cafe have meant that I could ask more practical questions on the call relating to my actual coaching clients and practice.

Perhaps my favorite thing about the interactive sessions with Michael is his willingness to share his own struggles, both past and present, with a light heart and a lot of laughs. He keeps reminding me in so many ways that not only is it OK to be human (even though I'm a "professional coach"), it's the point. Perfection is not on offer for any of us, and so much of the stress and pressure I used to feel around trying to project an image of being "the expert" has melted away. The sense that "we're all in this together" creates a sense of shared humility, and that humility and connection is what keeps me coming back for more.
Chayelle Rose
CEO, A Life of Calm